Sunday 8 January 2012

She says she's no good with words but I'm worse...

Barely stuttered out a "joke of a romantic" or stuck to my tongue ~
Weighed down with words too overdramatic~
Tonight it's "it can't get much worse"
vs "no one should ever feel like"...

Oh. My. God.

Do you know how hard it is to find good help these days? D< Holleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee FUCK I'M SO FUCKING ANNOYED RIGHT NOW.


but I had my dose so that's nice. :3

It could be worse. i remember that one time outside of indiana when Derulo went rogue and then we were stuck playing "catch the possessed bodyguard" in the MIDDLE OF FUCKING NOWHERE, USA. :I best part was when bethany caught the fucker with a harpoon. she was cool before she kinda pulled an adler and now i imagine she's off in the carribana laughing her ass off at old episodes of Who's line as some bloke in leather chaps and nothing else is serving her a martini.

bitch. i fucking loved her and she tried to kill me.

wasn't meant to be, obviously. :c

today kinda sucked. i'm stuck hiding out ina costco or some shit and the sample people are getting suspicious but I jsut said I was looking for a job so I guess I'm assistant manager now or something? Loooooots of nice ass in costco between the hambeasts. ;p I don't get a lot of time to oogle, though, 'cause I'm supposed to be maximizing profit margins or something and toooooooooooby, this is haaaaaaaaaaaard. D: I know you told me to keep low profile if something bad happened but I don't think the ol' Big Bad Wolf is coming in here for bulk ties or some shit.

.... in the meantime I've already fired an employee, maximized profitability, and tweaked the CCTV so it doesn't have any blindspots. Charlene calls me a godsend but honestly, this is easy to do if you have half a brain and a charming smile and my IQ.

So basically, you gotta be me. To the seven odd billion people that aren;t me, sucks to be you! ;D

Dance dance, we're fallin' apart to half time~
Dance dance, and these are the lives you want to lead!
Dance, this is the way theyd love, if they knew how
misery loved meeee~

I'm pretty stuck, but they're so happy that they're basically let me do anything I want, which means I get to update with the best display laptop the costco people got (speaking of which, I don't see how the vermin have it so tough. "Updating from an apple store"? PLEASE. just go to your bank account and buy a fucking netbook! >^<) but it also means another thing; tons and tons of free pop.

I am a pop addict. Pop is... oh my gosh, bubbly and sweet and delicious and ohgod it's so gooooood. They... they've given me free pop, Toby. I don't think I want to leave. ever. Ever ever ever you'll never find me ohgod please don't leave me here I want to move on but freeeeeeeee pooooooooooooop OAO

and they'll give me cups and cups and don't fill them up with ice and i can mix all the flavours and caffeine and if they gave me coke and heroine and e i'd have everything in life I'd ever want ever.

maybe i'll be able to stay back after closing, curl up with a laptop, and watch some tv

that sounds nice, righttttttt? :) you're all jelly, I know you are.

I'll be back soon, blogosphere. Hugs and kisses, mummy loves you! <333333333


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