Saturday 7 January 2012

And it goes like this:

Take me by the tongue and I'll know you~
Kiss me 'til you're drunk and I'll show youuuu~
all the moves like Jagger, I've got the moves like Jagger,
I've got the mooooooooooves like Jaggerrrr~

Hi! c:

Y'know, music is one of those kinda weird things, the way it pulses and moves and gets stuck in your head, how it drowns out mostly everything else and makes you feel all dance-y and move-y and sometime all murderous-y;

[Just kidding!]

So there's good news!

Toby's got me out of the hospital a while ago, and it seems I'm doing pretty well! :D the nurse that attended to me was fucking HOT, like, not even stereotypically hot like you saw in animaniacs but like so fucking smokin' that I had to look around and see if it was Halloween or something. The bodyguards weren't too happy with my chasing tail, but it accomplished two clear things; one, I got to chase fucking tail again! ;P and two, it distracted them plenty enough for me to snort and/ or shoot up once in a while,  which is mooooooore than enough in my humble opinion. <3 Seems smart, eh? Well, my ego might be biiig, but I don't give a shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit~

But they JUST started letting me listen to music again, can you believe it? ;A; like what, were my mad beats just too much to handle? Honestly, all these suits are starting to ANNOY ME. Suits. Fuck 'em. Funniest was when Santiago puked aaaaaaaaaaall over and starting gibbering and borrowed a bit of my coke to snort and then didn't want to pay. XD Hnnnmg, I hope he liked having his guts strung out by a dirty piece of broken glass...

Hehehe, not actually, but I was pissed. :I crap is hard to get when you're on the go... Toby owes me big for this, I don't care what he says. I was perfectly happy on my streetcorner, y'know! :c now I'm stuck in all these stuffy clothes, travelling constantly to god knows where, seeing more and more of those... vermin. Oh god, have you seen how dirty they are? How they scurry and run and hide and scream? It's gross! D:

but if this is where he wants me to be, I guess this is where I gotta be. Fuuuuuck. So I'll just keep singing and loading up my iPod and everyone else can suck it. :3

all the moves like Jagger, I've got the moves like Jagger,
I've got the mooooooooooves like Jaggerrrr~

(It's true, y'know!)

Ta-ta for now, blogosphere! Hugs and kisses! <3333333


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