Monday 6 February 2012

Here we go again

We're sick like animals 
We play pretend 
You're just a cannibal ~
And I'm afraid  I won't get out alive
I won't sleep tonight...

Ohhh, it's all startin' to get hot and heavy now, isn't it? I've been looking forward to this for like, EVER. Do you know what it's like t'just sit here waiting for you IDIOTS to figure this out? Goldstein has been around for MONTHS and all the flippin clues have been in front of your faces but Toby asys that we can hardly blame you for not being as smart as us and I guuuuuess I jsut have to agree with him on that one. :c

*flipping *says *just

But really, really well done in the end. Even I got shivers when Joseph pulled his coup. Really, really masterful. For A RAT, that is. 'Cause you're all rats to me, but that's not to say you'e not resourceful! :3 A rat can't help that it is a rat, and it faces a world that hates it thouroughly! D: Yet not only do they survive, they thrive. That's 'cause rats have an instinct for survival and preservation second to none! But can you blame a regular person for hating rats? they're dirty and gross and disgusting and unclean. If a rat waltzed up to your kitchen table, you wouldn't offer him a cigarette! >A< So I can respect you all plenty, and so can Toby. But i don't have to think of you lot as human, right? ;) don't feel bad, runners, I STILL LOVE YOU,,, AND OUR SORDID AFFAIR WILL NEVER CEASE IN ITS SCANDALOUSNESS, but proxies only exist to have their heads crushed under my shiny boots, over and over and over forEVER. c:

We're gonna eat you all alive. <3

Here we are again 
I feel the chemicals kickin' in 
It's getting heavy 
And I wanna run 
And hide I wanna run and hide 
I do it every time 
You're killin' me now 
And I won't be denied by you 
The animal inside of you~!

Hnnnng, everything else was a little disappointing, honestly. We've got the previously awesome proving they're just as easily manipulated as everyone else, people sympathizing with cultist freaks, and runners ALLLLLL OVERRRRR making horrible, horrible desicions, which really isn't anything new, is it? :C It's really kinda sorta getting concerning, guys! Just a liiiittle longer, then we can help. Thas' a good thing, 'cause it seems like a bunch of you kinda sorta really need it. > 3> Not to be mean or anything but jeebs, priorities need to start getting in order. Like killing proxies. Isn't that important?

Speaking of, the night squad or some doohickey is getting hit HARD soon. Or has it already happened? Dunno. S'hard to keep track o'stuff when you've got the best cocaine you've ever found in your pockets. deargodthisstuffisgood. U jelly~? ;P [Just kidding]. I've got my job to do and I've dun good! Got about twenty five new recruits, which is always AWESOME, noooo? There were more but they died. D: whoops. Totally not my fault though. So other than that, THE PLAN is going uuuuber well. Uber. uUber. nice word, eh? i like it lots! B)

Sometimes when it's just me and nobody else is around though, I shoot up and think about going home. it'd be nice to go home. i want to go home, but i know my job is important. i miss being around everyone and being able to help and i miss toby. I just want to go home. but i won't.

[What does this job fucking matter? They're all just going to die in the end.]

Hrrrrrr, I'll report in soon. Harian says that he doesn't like the look of the clouds that are comin up. I like Harian. He calls me Mr. John and everything and doesn't try to take away my drugs and stuff. I'll be sad when he bites the bullet.

Oh oh 
I want some more 
Oh oh 
What are you waiting for~? 
Take a bite of my heart tonightttt

Hugs and kisses, blogosphere! Keep an eye on things for me, alllright? Next few days are gonna be FUN! ;D <33333333


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