Tuesday 24 April 2012

I wish I had a bullet big enough to fucking kill the sun

I'm sick of songs about the summer
And I hate everyone

I can't find my music. I don't where I put it. [Someone fucking took it.] I NEED MY MUSIC! D: I don't know where it is. I have to have it, it makes things so much better.

What kind of things you ask? The gooooood kinda things! ;D Do you like the rain? I like the rain. Red is my favorite color, did you know rain can be red? It's my favorite kind of weather.

There was a girl on the corner. No, no, no not THAT kind of girl. You guys are so silly!!! ;P This little minx looked pretty in her white dress, now if you think YOU guys are silly this will make you laugh! She was wearing a summer dress when it's not even summer. I KNOW! It's spring. Dumb hoe. I chased her tail a few blocks, she threatened to call the cops. How can you call the cops when one of my hands is covering your mouth and the other is breaking your phone? C: I was in a really bad mood before.

Hate, rain on me
Hate, rain on me

It was POURING a second latter. Her dress turned red, I got drenched. Shoulda brought an umbrella. :P I kind of felt better after that and about an hour later I wasn't feeling so good. It was sunset in the park, tourists don't know what the means I guess. A nice gathering of college students, all chilling together. C:<

[People need to stop fucking touching my shit!]

Long story short...
So give them blood, blood, gallons of the stuff!
Give them all that they can drink and it will never be enough.
So give them blood, blood, blood.
Grab a glass because there's going to be a flood!

I got back here and found it in my other pants, how did I not check there? :| I guess it doesn't matter anymore. That was a fun time though, BESIDES feeling pissed off all day. [People still take my shit. Maybe not this time, but they do.] Maybe I should lose my music more often? On second thought maybe not, I'm more creative when I have it with me.

OH!!! I did some MORE reading on blogosphere. I got something to report: YOU ALL STILL MAKE ME SICK! C:
Except Toby, you're awesome! <3

I can't control myself because I don't know how,
And they love me for it honestly, I'll be here for a while.

Hugs and kisses <3333
